If you are retiring, you might not be ready to hang up your employment hat just yet. Part time jobs for retirees are common, and companies are looking for someone experienced and responsible like you. Contrary to popular opinion, retirees are just as in-demand in the workplace as the young and inexperienced, if not more so. If you're looking for a part-time job after retirement, following are the top five.
Many corporate and small business offices have job-sharing programs for their office/clerical employees. This can be a great part time job for retirees because you only have to work four or five hours each day, and you can choose your shifts or rotate them with other employees. Job sharing programs are popular with start-ups because paying two part-time employees means that they don't have to provide benefits.
If you're looking for a part-time job in an office/clerical position, consider contacting local real estate, doctor and veterinary offices to inquire about open positions. You can also find jobs in the oil and gas industry, the staffing industry and the research field.
Assistant Librarian
If you like books, you might consider a part-time job as an assistant librarian. The hours are usually pretty flexible and you can sit for a large majority of the day. There is very little heavy lifting, which makes it a great part time job for retirees. You don't have to have any previous experience to be an assistant librarian and your chances of finding work in a large city or town are pretty decent.
The only downside to being an assistant librarian as a part-time job is that it doesn't often pay well. Some small libraries will work only with volunteers because their funds are so low. If you're looking to make more money, consider pursuing a job in a university or specialty library where the pay rates might increase.
For those of you who enjoy setting your own pace and your own hours, consulting is a great part-time job for retirees. You don't have to take any job that doesn't interest you and you can put your extensive background to good use. Some consultants work for themselves (self-employed) while others find part-time work with large corporations.
The great thing about this option is that it is one of the highest-paying part-time jobs for retirees. Many consultants earn in excess of $200 per hour for their services, but you do get to set your own prices. If you're technologically inclined, you can start a consulting business with your home computer and never leave your own home office.
Customer Service Representative
Department stores and retail outlets are always looking for retirees to fill part-time positions. A customer service representative can work as a greeter, a cashier or at the customer service desk, all of which are fairly easy jobs that provide stability and support. If you work for one of the larger retailers, you might also be able to get benefits if necessary for your part-time job, and you'll have your choice of hours.
If you're looking for a part-time job that doesn't require any physical activity, telemarketing might be right up your alley. This is another part-time job for retirees that can potentially pay a lot of big bucks, but is only recommended for professionals who have experience in direct sales. Telemarketing should also be considered very carefully with regard to business ethics. Make sure that the company for which you are interviewing has strong rules and policies when it comes to contacting potential customers.
(article sourec: by Steve Thompson)
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