Monday, August 17, 2009

6 tips to finding A job when Retired

We all know things have been a little more difficult to make ends meet with the economy in the slump it is. If you are retired or are heading towards retirement but feel you will need a part time job, here are some tips on locating a job for retirees.

1. Register with temp firms in your local area. Many temporary jobs turn out to be permanent. Also if you get work through a temp firm it helps build your resume for future work assignments.

2. Try to get an interview with an employer you are not interested in working for to practice your interviewing skills. You don't want to go to your first interview in a long time with the employer you are really interested in working for and make easily correctable mistakes.

3. Consider having your resume re-written or updated by an expert as the resume you used years ago is no longer appropriate. There are even resume writing professionals that can help those with specific problems like older workers that have not had their resume updated for many years.

4, Put your resume up on those job boards that connect job seekers with employers seeking to hire them. Niche sites are particularly effective. For example if you are an older worker check out If you live in the Philadelphia area try For a list of niche sites with links to areas such as accounting and finance, administrative, engineering, health care, human resources, etc.

5. Look for temporary or project assignments as they are much more available than full-time jobs. Often times jobs for retirees are on a part time schedule which might be better for your schedule anyways.

6. When applying for a job tell the employer you are willing to work on a project or temporary basis. This often gives you a leg up on workers who are often unable to accept this kind of employment. Temporary employment can often lead to full-time work.

Remember you should not be embarrased searching for retiree jobs. Many people over the age of 60 have gone back to the work force and are enjoying their part time jobs. Hopefully if you are looking jobs for retirees this article was helpful!

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